July 2024

Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs) –  Fire Doors are being maintained in good working order – MMN-07-2027

Paris MoU is trialling an alternative approach to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) by conducting several short, targeted inspection campaigns called “Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs)”. We invite to Ship Owners/Operators to follow the recommendations of the MMN-07-2027

Focused Inspection Campaigns (FICs) –  Fire Doors are being maintained in good working order – MMN-07-2027 Read More »

The Panama Ship Registry launches its digitized service for responding to user queries

Since Monday, July 8, the General Directorate of the Public Registry of Ship Ownership (DGRPN) of the Panama Maritime Authority of (PMA) implemented an exclusive email address to monitor and resolve, uninterruptedly, all user queries. The email address consultadgrpn@amp.gob.pa is attended by a group of specialists who will respond as soon as possible to queries,

The Panama Ship Registry launches its digitized service for responding to user queries Read More »

Courtesy visit to the OCCI

Miss Any Lam Chong from the Consulate General met with the directors of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries (OCCI), Negoro Takayoshi, Tsuchida Nanako and Shimizu Ryosuke.H.S. Chong announced that the president-elect, José Raúl Mulino, took office along with his new cabinet on 1st of july, and in his first speech he pronounced the

Courtesy visit to the OCCI Read More »

Building Bridges: USMA and KIC Forge Path for Academic Collaboration

Miss Any Lam Chong L. from the Consulate General, held a meeting with Professor Tomoyuki Naito, who also serves as Vice President at the Graduate School of Information Technology at the Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC)This was a follow-up meeting regarding the Agreement of Understanding signed between the USMA (Faculty of Engineering and Technology) and

Building Bridges: USMA and KIC Forge Path for Academic Collaboration Read More »

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The Panama Canal

On behalf of our country, we are pleased to Welcome you to the Website of The General Consulate of Panama, in Kobe Japan.

It is an honor to serve as Consul General of this office which has its consular jurisdiction over the Fukui, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu regions.

We are located in the second metropolitan region of Japan and in one of the largest shipping centers of the world. Furthermore, we supervise and work together as a team with the office of the Panama Maritime Authority located in the city of Imabari, which is a sister city of Panama city.

Our office essentially provides Maritime and Consular Services along with the promotion of the Panamanian culture and the enhancement of the trade and academic relationships between Panama and the people, companies and institutions of western Japan.

This site aims to provide general information about our country, the Panama Merchant Marine along with other consular and cultural services that our office provides within western Japan, giving you a better understanding of the role and functions of our Office.