September 2022

Advancing education and Cooperation between Kobe and Panama. USMA and KIC signed a MOUAgreement for research in digital and computing field.

Recently the Kobe Institute of Computing (KIC) signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Universidad Santa Maria La Antigua de Panama (USMA), with the aim of creating international cooperation related to digital transformation, postgraduate studies, in addition to exchange between professors and students of both Universities who want to work together in courses and research projects. […]

Advancing education and Cooperation between Kobe and Panama. USMA and KIC signed a MOUAgreement for research in digital and computing field. Read More »

Establishing formal cooperation between Panama and Osaka. Our Consul General paid acourtesy visit to Governor Yoshimura of Osaka.

The Consul General of the Republic of Panama in Kobe, Mr. Victor J. Almengor C., paid a courtesy visit to the Governor of Osaka Prefecture, Mr. Hirofumi Yoshimura where different issues related to cooperation between the Republic of Panama and Osaka were discussed. At the meeting, Governor Yoshimura expressed his appreciation to the Government of

Establishing formal cooperation between Panama and Osaka. Our Consul General paid acourtesy visit to Governor Yoshimura of Osaka. Read More »

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The Panama Canal

On behalf of our country, we are pleased to Welcome you to the Website of The General Consulate of Panama, in Kobe Japan.

It is an honor to serve as Consul General of this office which has its consular jurisdiction over the Fukui, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu regions.

We are located in the second metropolitan region of Japan and in one of the largest shipping centers of the world. Furthermore, we supervise and work together as a team with the office of the Panama Maritime Authority located in the city of Imabari, which is a sister city of Panama city.

Our office essentially provides Maritime and Consular Services along with the promotion of the Panamanian culture and the enhancement of the trade and academic relationships between Panama and the people, companies and institutions of western Japan.

This site aims to provide general information about our country, the Panama Merchant Marine along with other consular and cultural services that our office provides within western Japan, giving you a better understanding of the role and functions of our Office.