Visit to Columbus University

El Cónsul General de Panamá en Kobe, Japón, Victor Almengor, tuvo la oportunidad de visitar Columbus University, en donde se reunió con el Vicerrector Académico, Sr. Carlos Bonilla, y autoridades de la Facultad de Ciencias Marinas y Tecnológicas, donde se exploraron oportunidades de colaboración, con universidades de Japón, y donde el CG Almengor tuvo la oportunidad de realizar un recorrido en el Centro de formación Marítima.

The Consul General of Panama in Kobe, Japan, Victor Almengor, had the opportunity to visit Columbus University, where he met with the Academic Vice Chancellor, Mr. Carlos Bonilla, and authorities from the Faculty of Marine and Technological Sciences. During the meeting, opportunities for collaboration with universities in Japan were explored, and CG Almengor had the opportunity to tour the Maritime Training Center.


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The Panama Canal

On behalf of our country, we are pleased to Welcome you to the Website of The General Consulate of Panama, in Kobe Japan.

It is an honor to serve as Consul General of this office which has its consular jurisdiction over the Fukui, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu regions.

We are located in the second metropolitan region of Japan and in one of the largest shipping centers of the world. Furthermore, we supervise and work together as a team with the office of the Panama Maritime Authority located in the city of Imabari, which is a sister city of Panama city.

Our office essentially provides Maritime and Consular Services along with the promotion of the Panamanian culture and the enhancement of the trade and academic relationships between Panama and the people, companies and institutions of western Japan.

This site aims to provide general information about our country, the Panama Merchant Marine along with other consular and cultural services that our office provides within western Japan, giving you a better understanding of the role and functions of our Office.