Participation at the 62nd Kansai Economic and Management Summit.

Last month, the Consul General of the Republic of Panama in Kobe, Japan, Mr. Victor Almengor participated at the 62nd Kansai Economic and Management Summit 関西財界セミナー organized by the Kansai Economic Federation #Kankeiren and the Kansai Association of Corporate Executives #KeizaiDoyukai

The Summit was held based on the subject of “The Role of Corporations in Tumultuous Times: Looking Back at the Future” with focus on different challenges such as climate change, sustainability, SDGs, geopolitics, quantum, AI and human resources and capital.

The summit also held different thematic sessions with the participation of top executives from corporations, prefectural and city governments, NGOs and diplomats based in Kansai. The sessions were divided on the following topics:

  1. Investment, Multiple Stakeholders: Toward a New Form of Capitalism.
  2. GX: Green Transformation for Kansai’s Economic Growth.
  3. DX Revolution: Building Kansai on Digital Transformation.
  4. Education, Talents, Productivity: Where to Focus Investment in People.
  5. Demographics: Making Japan a Friendlier Place to Have and Raise Children.
  6. EXPO2025: What will we do to Shape a Future Society for our Lives?

Consul General Almengor participated at Session No 3 on which he was asked by the moderators to share the Panamanian experience and efforts regarding the digital transformation of the Government services. In this sense, Mr. Almengor placed as an example the transfer of digital bonus made by means of the ID Cards to the Panamanian citizens during the pandemic along with the innovative paperless service platform of the Panamanian ship registry which is highly valued by the Japanese shipowners.

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The Panama Canal

On behalf of our country, we are pleased to Welcome you to the Website of The General Consulate of Panama, in Kobe Japan.

It is an honor to serve as Consul General of this office which has its consular jurisdiction over the Fukui, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu regions.

We are located in the second metropolitan region of Japan and in one of the largest shipping centers of the world. Furthermore, we supervise and work together as a team with the office of the Panama Maritime Authority located in the city of Imabari, which is a sister city of Panama city.

Our office essentially provides Maritime and Consular Services along with the promotion of the Panamanian culture and the enhancement of the trade and academic relationships between Panama and the people, companies and institutions of western Japan.

This site aims to provide general information about our country, the Panama Merchant Marine along with other consular and cultural services that our office provides within western Japan, giving you a better understanding of the role and functions of our Office.